The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program makes it easy for businesses to contribute to the education of Pennsylvania students while receiving substantial tax credits. Here’s how your business can participate.


  • EITC tax credits are worth 90% of the taxpayer’s bill.
  • EITC tax credits are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis, so being early is critical.
  • If you pay at least $3,500* in annual PA state income taxes, you can pledge your tax dollars through EITC.
    *Exceptions may apply for lower amounts on a case-by-case basis.

Sign pledge form early in the year (or NOW).

Award letters are released and mailed along with a contribution request from the foundation to the donors.

Make your contribution before deadline on the contribution request.

Receive a 90% credit on your contribution.

You can choose how your tax dollars are spent!

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